Large mass data is stored by Google and large car factories such as Audi exchange workers for robots. This affects not only the factories but also the tourist section. Everything is simplified and systematically executed nowadays. But what exactly does this mean? Technology has been one of the greatest impacts in history on humanity. In addition, the technological revolution brings many factors of advantages compared to the past.
Travelers arrange their entire booking online, whereas in the past they had travel agencies, commercials, and magazines for it. The traditional travel agency seems to disappear from the streets. Searching for things to do in big places like Manhattan can be done using a mobile phone.
In 2015, compared to 2009, only twenty percent of physical travel stores will exist. This is evident from annual research by ABN Amro. (AMRO, 2012) With the advent of new online booking systems, the tourist can take matters into his own hands and thus take a new personal journey to arrange. To make the booking process attractive today, travel companies can make use of new technological trends that at the time consisted of labor or Not at all. For example, travelers want to arrange their own transport, check in online themselves, and use an app as a city guide. Nowadays the tourist is looking for a new experience and Experience. (Knowledge Centre for Tourism, 2016). I will elaborate on this by explaining the following trends: Virtual Reality, Robotization, and self-driving vehicles. These trends are examples of developments that are happening now.
Virtual reality
Virtual reality is a 3D environment that is produced by computers and can be experienced via a special VR headset. The VR consists of showing a separate image to the human eye. VR be used in different ways. Transavia, for example, offers passengers an optimal travel experience. ‘For many of our customers, the flight is the start of their holiday’, says Daan. Noordeloos from Transavia. (Noordeloos). They let the travelers choose a movie and watch it in the airplane on a large virtual screen. Travelers can also use a flight tracker to follow the trajectory of the aircraft in a hang glider in the air. For other travelers, it is possible to have to take a look in the virtual cockpit with a tour of a Transavia pilot. The possibilities of VR are enormous.
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According to our Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, robotization would take over as many as 3.5 million jobs in the coming decades. (, 2014) It is difficult to comprehend that new technology can also be easier and cheaper, so cheap that it concerns humanity. influence. This automation is already underway without us realizing it. For example, our holiday is booked via an automatic booking website that arranges everything for you and Processed it. In the future, there will be robots that will work as receptionists, for example. Or to place robot security guards at a destination or airline where many tourists are.
Self-driving vehicles
Cruise-Control is useful, but a self-driving vehicle is of a higher level. The car becomes an automatic driving computer. Controlling Autopilots and calculating the routes by means of built-in sensors on how the vehicle should drive. With the self-driving car, it is possible to arrange the traveler a quiet (private) means of transport to his/her accommodation. An option such as a built-in tour guide is also possible.