Advantages of Using Digital Technology for Businesses Like Naruto Merch
Companies have better collaborations these days because of digital technologies. For instance, many companies are increasingly introducing digital messenger tools. The aim is to communicate as easily as possible with colleagues, customers, and suppliers at geographically distributed locations.
Digital technologies are already being used by companies like Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. The official Naruto shop that sells exclusive Naruto Merch also uses digital technologies in its marketing efforts. These technologies enable them to reach a wider Naruto fan base to which they can target for their advertising.
Why Merch Businesses Use Digital Technology?
Better knowledge transfer
Companies often sit on a large body of knowledge without using this knowledge properly. It’s not just about knowing about the products or services offered, but also about internal company processes, procedures, best practices, etc. This includes, for example, the correct handling of the CRM system. All of this is the knowledge that is available to your employees. It is often only passed on verbally between colleagues or is concentrated with certain people. When these people leave the company, the company often loses valuable knowledge that these people have built up and collected over the years. With a CRM system, you can store this knowledge.
Faster growth
Nowadays, digital technology often no longer means that a lot of money has to be invested in expensive hardware and software. Instead, SaaS solutions and rentable hardware resources are playing an increasingly important role in companies.
Especially for younger companies with high growth, cloud solutions offer the necessary flexibility to be able to grow with the company at high speed.
Better customer service
In times of e-mail traffic and instant messaging services such as WhatsApp or Signal instead of classic mail, customer expectations regarding response times have changed dramatically. While in the past several days had to be planned for each postal route for written communication between companies, the digital delivery of e-mails or WhatsApp messages is immediate.
Accordingly, customers also expect a very timely response to their concerns when they contact a company. Ideally, companies should respond to emails within one day. This does not mean that companies are expected to resolve all issues within one day. It is often sufficient to confirm receipt of the e-mail via an automatic e-mail reply. Even if that might sound banal. Do not underestimate the effect of such measures on your customers.
Digital technology offers you many advantages. To be fair, it must also be said at this point that digitization not only brings advantages but also challenges.